Product Highlights:
The Sesh Supply Ossa Egg Dab Rig is a one of a kind bubbler which consists of many features smokers love. The height of this product is 8 inches tall, meaning, that the bubbler is portable enough so it can be carried with you anywhere you go. The joint size found on this unit is 14.5 mm which is great because this is a common size for attachments. This product ships with an included nail which can be used to smoke your favorite waxes and concentrates. All of the products from Sesh Supply are manufactured within the USA using borosilicate glass for extra durability.
The main feature of the unit is the propeller percolator, which will spin the smoke through the water and deliver it to your lungs. A narrow opening on the mouthpiece is used to release a carefully selected amount of smoke, maintain all of its properties and prolonging the pleasure. For the same reason, the manufacturer inserted pieces from inverted glass, used to break down the smoke into smaller sizes and to increase the accent on each flavor it has. The overall design of this dab rig is very unique and has been tailored to provide smokers with maximum performance.
The neck of the Ossa Egg dab rig is curved and the base is large enough to maintain stability in any position especially a flat surface. The mouthpiece is also thicker and feels more comfortable than on any other models we have tested. Rest your lips safely on the mouthpiece and enjoy an amazing smoke session every time you take a rip.
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All products sold on Sky High Smoke Shop are intended for legal dry herb or tobacco usage only. The statements and vaporizers & products shown on this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These devices are not designed to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any disease. Before using a vaporizer, please consult with a licensed health care provider. If you use a vaporizer, you do so at your own risk. Inhalation is inadvisable and may potentially be harmful. Any comments from user-submitted reviews found on this website are related to the users own personal experiences, and are not endorsed, reviewed, or necessarily shared by Sky High Smoke Shop or its affiliates. Vaporizing does not necessarily eliminate any and all toxins found in vaporized substances, so much care should be taken prior to use. By using Sky High Smoke Shop, you acknowledge and agree to abide by our Terms of Use page before making any purchase on this website.
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