Product Highlights:
The Dr. Dabber Boost is a small and portable vaporizer, also referred to as an eRig, is one of the first of its kind. What makes this product special is the fact that it employs a domeless titanium nail, much like the one you would expect to see on a glass dab rig.
The Dr. Dabber Boost looks simple enough to be discreet in your home, and it does not take much effort to work one. When using the titanium or ceramic nail, you will only need to press the power button three times to get you the optimal temperature setting. If you want to unlock the highest temperature setting, use the quartz nail that is included in the package. This vaporizer will not require you to use a torch because it features electronic heating elements which heat your nail to the perfect temp for you to start dabbing.
It has a Boost logo on the body. The overall piece is made of titanium, and so the body is quite hardcore. It is black with blue impressions that give it a refreshing look and feel. The body is smooth and small enough to fit in the pocket. The Dr. Dabber Boost Vaporizer is only ideal for concentrates, and so you cannot use it for herbs and loose leaves.
It needs about 90 minutes to charge fully. A single battery charge will allow between 20 and 30 uses. It comes with a micro USB charging cable that you can carry anywhere. The unit itself is quite small and discreet, and it works even better when paired with the included glass water filtration piece. It has a small base, but you can still place it on a flat surface comfortably.
What’s Included?
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All products sold on Sky High Smoke Shop are intended for legal dry herb or tobacco usage only. The statements and vaporizers & products shown on this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These devices are not designed to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any disease. Before using a vaporizer, please consult with a licensed health care provider. If you use a vaporizer, you do so at your own risk. Inhalation is inadvisable and may potentially be harmful. Any comments from user-submitted reviews found on this website are related to the users own personal experiences, and are not endorsed, reviewed, or necessarily shared by Sky High Smoke Shop or its affiliates. Vaporizing does not necessarily eliminate any and all toxins found in vaporized substances, so much care should be taken prior to use. By using Sky High Smoke Shop, you acknowledge and agree to abide by our Terms of Use page before making any purchase on this website.
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